2016 Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Conference

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) invites you to attend the annual Wayne State University Undergraduate Research and Creative Projects Conference on Friday November 11th from 9:00 - 1:00 in the Student Center Building.

Undergraduate students across all majors including the arts and humanitites, sciences, social sciences, mathematics, and engineering will present their research or creative projects to faculty, staff and other conference participants in either an oral or poster format. Each oral presentation will be a 15-minute talk by the student followed by a few minutes for questions. Each oral session will be moderated by a faculty member. In the poster session, students will present a visual poster representing their research or creative project and will present their work to individual conference participants over a 1-and-a-half hour session. Both oral and poster presentations are open to all.

The Academy of Scholars will judge the presentations and provide awards during a luncheon ceremony from 1:00 - 2:00 reserved for the student presenters, their faculty mentors, and invited guests. The Academy of Scholars was founded in 1979 to promote and recognize sustained excellence in scholarship and creative achievement. Election to the Academy of Scholars is the highest recognition that may be bestowed upon a Wayne State University faculty member by his or her colleagues.

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