Seventh Annual Undergraduate Research Conference

November 12, 2010
McGregor Memorial Conference Center

APPLY for the 7th Annual WSU Undergraduate Research Conference!

Conference welcome begins at 8:30a.m. followed by three sets of five concurrent student panel sessions staring at 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00a.m. and  poster presentations at noon.

This conference showcases the university's best undergraduate research projects and allows student researchers to share their work through panel and poster presentations. Many students are recipients of Undergraduate Research Grants, and all work closely with faculty mentors. Research from the hard sciences, social sciences and performing arts are represented.

At last year's conference, students presented panels and posters on a vast array of topics including:

  • SEED Wayne: Urban Gardens & Greenspace
  • 3D Imaging Techniques
  • Applied Mathematics
  • The Politics of Ethnicity and Tolerance
  • Histories of Revolution and Reform
  • Effects of Frazzled Signalling on the Cytoskeleton
  • Glamour and Beauty: Building Identities and Communities
  • The E2 Challenge and Other Programs for Entrepreneurs.

Is this conference for you?

If you are interested in undergraduate research but don't know how to get started, this conference is for you. You'll learn what others are doing, get ideas about types of research to consider, and find out how to obtain funding. Oral presentations are 12 – 15 minutes per student.

Questions? E-mail

2009 Undergraduate Research Conference photos